Without a sample, it's hard to see what exactly you desire.
Certainly there is no design in the engine to automatically insert the start
hyphen on the trailing line, it can and does at the break on the end of the
line, but not at the start of the following line.
I drew in this fashion as typically the hyphens would be outside the bounds
of the flow, not inside.
If you are inserting them manually, why not just insert a linefeed, followed
an inline with negative padding if you wish it to be inside the left margin?
So I do not understand I guess.
If you wish them "automatically" when hyphenation occurs, I am not sure
there is even a solution even in modification of the intermediate format.
One would need to search and find all places hyphenation was inserted and
insert something on the next line . which becomes difficult in understanding
"next line" especially in tables or across pages.
Kevin Brown
From: Xep-support [mailto:xep-support-bounces@renderx.com] On Behalf Of
Pilecki Konstanty
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 4:40 AM
To: xep-support@renderx.com
Subject: [xep-support] Line breaking at a hyphen mark
My problem concerns a hyphenation. Let us have a piece of text with a
hyphen, for example Sklodowska-Curie. When the text has been broken by a
RenderX after the hyphen, I would like to achieve an additional hyphen mark
at the beginning of the new line, as follow: Sklodowska-/-Curie (but not:
I have tried to resolve the problem adding, sequentially, a soft-hyphen
(­) and a zero-width space (​) characters before the hyphen
mark and a joiner character (⁠) after it. The result is quite good
but, unfortunately, the joiner character is unnecessarily visible in the
text rendered to PDF (as a rectangle mark). Is there any better way to
manage this problem?
I would be grateful for any advice.
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