[xep-support] Line breaking at a hyphen mark

From: Pilecki Konstanty <KPilecki@wolterskluwer.pl>
Date: Wed Aug 06 2014 - 04:40:27 PDT


My problem concerns a hyphenation. Let us have a piece of text with a hyphen, for example Sklodowska-Curie. When the text has been broken by a RenderX after the hyphen, I would like to achieve an additional hyphen mark at the beginning of the new line, as follow: Sklodowska-/-Curie (but not: Sklodowska-/Curie).

I have tried to resolve the problem adding, sequentially, a soft-hyphen (&#x00AD;) and a zero-width space (&#x200B;) characters before the hyphen mark and a joiner character (&#x2060;) after it. The result is quite good but, unfortunately, the joiner character is unnecessarily visible in the text rendered to PDF (as a rectangle mark). Is there any better way to manage this problem?

I would be grateful for any advice.



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