RE: [xep-support] Image access when generating PDF

From: Sébastien CLERMONT <>
Date: Thu Oct 05 2006 - 11:20:25 PDT

I tried different ways to set the Expires field within my JAVA action (.do) and it did not work.

I tried:
response.setDateHeader("Expires", now + 15000);

I also tried:
response.setHeader("Expires", now + "15000");

I finally tried to add a new header with a unique key:
response.addHeader("Etag", currentETag);

It did not work either. Everytime I look for request.getHeader("If-None-Match-Since"); or a property like that, I get a null value. It seems that XEP does not keep the value I set. And I am still getting 3 calls for each image.

Do I have to change my weblogic configuration?

Thank you.

> Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 00:59:02 +0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [xep-support] Image access when generating PDF
> Sébastien CLERMONT wrote:
> > Is there any parameter I can set to make XEP access images only once?
> Hello Sébastien,
> XEP honors 'Expires' field in HTTP response headers and makes use of
> 'get if modified since' request. All you need to do to prevent XEP from
> retrieving each image three times is to configure your web server
> appropriately.
> If an Expires field is set (to a reasonable value), XEP will get an
> image just once. Otherwise, if the image was not modified on the server,
> XEP will get it once and check it was not modified twice (200 304 304).
> --
> Best regards,
> Michael Sulyaev,
> RenderX
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