Re: [xep-support] Changing font in the intermediate XEP-file

From: David Tolpin (
Date: Mon Jun 23 2003 - 05:35:59 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Bray: "Re: [xep-support] Changing font in the intermediate XEP-file"


    thank you for the input. XEP output was intended for interfacing between
    the kernel and the output producers and didn't include any commands that
    weren't required for that purpose.

    We'll add save and restore commands in a future release.

    In the meantime, as a quick fix, do the following:

    <xep:clip x-from="0" y-from="0" x-till="1000000" y-till="1000000"> <!-- big enough to cover the whole page -->

     <xep:font name="Times-Roman" size="4000"/>
     <xep:text value="new text"/>


    Clip issues grestore/gsave commands in both PDF and Postscript backend,
    thus should work for your purpose.


    > I'm working with the intermediate XML-file that is created by XEP (the one you get when using the option -at at the command line).
    > The problem I'm having is that I need to add some text at this level. By doing another XSL-transformation using a second XSL-file is working just fine, except for one thing: The text I need to add has to be in a different font size than the rest of the text.
    > As I see it, the only way to change the font size is to use the <xep:font> element. But if I use that one, all children nodes after the place where I insert the new text with the new size, will also be of the new format.
    > <xep:font> changes the font for all following text. How can I change it back to the previous font, without "hard-coding" the font format?
    > Is there a way of creating a "temporary" font setting for a small amount of text?
    > Example:
    > <xep:font name="Times-Roman" size="9000"/>
    > <xep:text value="blablablablablabla..............blablabla"/>
    > <!-- here I want to insert new text with the font size 4000 -->
    > <xep:font name="Times-Roman" size="4000"/>
    > <xep:text value="new text"/>
    > <!-- if I changed the font size before, all this following text will also be of the new size, but I want it to be the original size -->
    > <!-- remember that at this point, I have no way of knowing what the previous font settings were -->
    > <xep:text value="blablablablablabla.........blablabla"/>
    > /Joakim Norlov
    > Uniscope
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