[xep-support] Korean XML to PDF

From: Keith Strong (keith@parenty.mb.ca)
Date: Tue Sep 21 2004 - 12:46:20 PDT

  • Next message: Jirka Kosek: "Re: [xep-support] Korean XML to PDF"

    We have XML files that we have translated from English to Korean. We
    have the latest versions of oXygen and XEP installed on both PC and Mac
    systems. I was able to properly process PDFs after installing Adobe's
    CJK language pack, and this is fine for proofreading etc. But the
    challenge I am now faced with is creating PDFs with a comparable look
    to the English source, this requires a bold and italicized variant of a
    Korean typeface.

    What I need to know is:

    What would be the easiest way to do this? ie. Would I have less/more
    troubles installing and using these fonts on a particular platform?

    When shopping for fonts, what do I need to be sure to get? Do they need
    to be CID Keyed? Should they be TrueType/OpenType?

    I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to make them available to XEP as
    it seems pretty straight forward, is there anything else I should know?

    Thanks in advance, your support has always been top notch!

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