Re: [xep-support] Pinning lines to a specified grid.

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Tue Sep 21 2004 - 07:14:54 PDT

  • Next message: Keith Strong: "[xep-support] Korean XML to PDF"

    Hello Peter,

    There are no means to align page elements to the grid neither in XSL-FO
    nor in XEP.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    PK> Hello,

    PK> I have a question about lineheigths. I want my pages to be 50 lines high
    PK> (9.5pt per line) and I want the lines to align to this grid.
    PK> How can I force that whenever I come across a picture that has a height that
    PK> doesnt compy to that grid or a chapter title that has to be in a
    PK> font-size/line-heigth that doent comply to this grid.
    PK> For instance A picture is 100pt high (10.5 lines). The first line after the
    PK> picture doesnt fall onto the grid.
    PK> If I print this page in a dual side mode the lines doent register. (There is
    PK> a difference between the line on the page with the picture and the line on
    PK> the other side of the page)
    PK> The same goes whenever I come across a chapter that has fontsettings 14pt on
    PK> a 16 pt line.
    PK> Is there a way to tell XEP to always connect to a given grid?

    PK> Regards,

    PK> Peter

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