I've experimented extensively with this exact "problem". Even with the
latest version of RenderX there is little support for gradients and filters.
(Hopefully has become a development priority, as SVG is a fantastic means to
manipulate graphics from xml centric sources)
I have tried three sad work-arounds, each with it's own issues:
1. If at all possible script Photoshop to pre-prepare your images with
a shadow. (No doubt you've already considered this.)
2. It is possible to create separate graphics of your shadows and
"carefully" place these around your images using svg:image tags. It takes 5
separate images to do this if your original images vary in size, but you can
do it with 2 if you're dealing with uniformly sized images. (If your shadows
require a multiply of the underlying background this technique will not work
for you.)
3. I've had success with creating a top-left highlight/lower-right
lowlight bevel effect by overlaying 1pt lines over the outer-most edge of
I'd much prefer to use a shadow filter that incorporates a background
multiply but it is just not supported yet.
Good luck,
Dave Bickford
From: owner-xep-support@renderx.com [mailto:owner-xep-support@renderx.com]
On Behalf Of Stijn Elst
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 8:56 AM
To: xep-support@renderx.com
Subject: [xep-support] svg:filter
Dear support-team,
Can a basic filter be applied to an SVG image in RenderX?
I need to produce a shadow effect behind a picture. Is that at all possible?
This code should produce the right shadow but it does nothing:
<svg:filter id = "i1" width = "150%" height = "150%">
<feOffset result = "offOut" in = "SourceAlpha" dx = "30" dy = "30"/>
<feGaussianBlur result = "blurOut" in = "offOut" stdDeviation = "10"/>
<feBlend in = "SourceGraphic" in2 = "blurOut" mode = "normal"/>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We're using version 3.8.1.
Kind regards,
Stijn Elst
IT Fotek/Pixbook
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Received on Tue Mar 24 05:17:03 2009
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