[xep-support] svg:filter

From: Stijn Elst <stijn@pixbook.net>
Date: Thu Mar 19 2009 - 04:55:56 PST

Dear support-team,

Can a basic filter be applied to an SVG image in RenderX?

I need to produce a shadow effect behind a picture. Is that at all possible?

This code should produce the right shadow but it does nothing:

<svg:filter id = "i1" width = "150%" height = "150%">
    <feOffset result = "offOut" in = "SourceAlpha" dx = "30" dy = "30"/>
    <feGaussianBlur result = "blurOut" in = "offOut" stdDeviation = "10"/>
    <feBlend in = "SourceGraphic" in2 = "blurOut" mode = "normal"/>

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

We're using version 3.8.1.

Kind regards,
Stijn Elst
IT Fotek/Pixbook

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Received on Thu Mar 19 05:41:54 2009

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