[xep-support] Interesting behaviours - maybe bugs, maybe not

From: Robert Goldsmith <robert.goldsmith@spgroup.co.uk>
Date: Fri Oct 10 2008 - 06:06:55 PDT

Hi all,

Just to mention a couple of bugs / oddities we have experienced
recently and how to work around them or prevent them when using XEP :)

The first one is when you have multiple-column layouts. If you have an
empty <fo:block /> directly within a <fo:block-container /> 'stacking'
down the column (in our case, price tickets) then XEP has major
problems laying out the multi-column structure and generally only
fills the first column on each page. The easiest way to fix it is, of
course, to not leave empty <fo:block /> nodes hanging around but, if
you must have them there for layout reasons (we didn't want to resort
to absolute positioning for everything, for instance), setting the
font size to 0px and using a text content of '.' worked for us :)

The second one really had us tearing our hair out for quite some time.
We have a document with two tables on each page (think 'manifest'
followed by a summary table at the bottom of the page) The first table
has 5 columns with thumbnail images that are 'scale-to-fit' in the
first column. The second table has no images but 3 columns. We
accidentally specified 4 table-column nodes for the second table (the
one without the images in it) but then only 3 cells per table row and
the result of this was a perfectly laid out document of hundreds of
pages but, oddly, with every single image thumbnail corrupted. The
images displayed as weirdly stretched in OSX Preview and looked
totally wrong in Acrobat. Obviously, the fix here was to remove the
superfluous table-column node.

Hope this helps someone now or in the future :)


Robert Goldsmith
Systems Integrator
SP Group
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