[xep-support] Multiple fonts

From: David Arrigoni <arrigoni@mac.com>
Date: Thu Apr 17 2008 - 11:45:46 PDT

I'm trying to output Japanese and Chinese PDF from one XML source, however depending on what font is prescribed first in the FO file, that particular font is used for both languages (known design feature). The problem is that certain characters are shared, and from the XML point of view, a determination can't be distinguished. So called "shared" CJK fonts such as AdobeFangSongStd or AdobeSongStd do not provide a true solution either.

 I have four questions:

1) Can two languages be specified in the FO markup such as the following example?

Caption => <fo:block #$zSharedSerifFonts# font-selection-strategy="character-by-character" language="ja, zh" >
_Caption => </fo:block>

zSharedSerifFonts => font-family="Helvetica, sans-serif, Japanese, Chinese"

2) I understand that I will need to target the language desired in the XML source file using a key value, but I was wondering what is the most correct way to specify the language and alias in the configuration file using the FO example above.

Is this the appropriate syntax to use?

    <font-group label="OpenType" embed="true" subset="true">
      <font-family name="Japanese">
            <font><font-data otf="FontA-Light.otf"/></font>
            <font weight="bold"><font-data otf="FontA-Medium.otf"/></font>

  <font-group label="OpenType" embed="true" subset="true">
      <font-family name="Chinese">
            <font><font-data otf="FontB-Light.otf"/></font>
            <font weight="bold"><font-data otf="FontB-Medium.otf"/></font>

 <language name="Japanese" codes="ja">
        <font-alias name="Japanese" value="FontA"/>

 <language name="Chinese" codes="zh">
        <font-alias name="Chinese" value="FontB"/>

3) Are these the supported language codes for Japanese and Chinese, or are other three letter designations also required?

4) Is it better to just use two separate configuration files altogether, rather than try to accomplish this with one?

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