Re: [xep-support] floats

From: G. Ken Holman <>
Date: Sun Jul 08 2007 - 05:21:29 PDT

At 2007-07-08 12:15 +0100, Dave Pawson wrote:
>I'm confused over the area from which a float takes space in the
>inline progression dimension.

 From the current formatting location, taking into account also the
block-progression direction.

>In the example, the side float *should* AFAIK, take space from the
>second list item.

I disagree.

>It seems to take it from the third one.

I believe this to be the correct interpretation.

>Anyone explain why please?

Because when your second list item is completely formatted, where are
you in the block progression direction? You are immediately after
the second list item. The float is an out-of-line construct and
jumps out of the flow, so the block progression direction doesn't
move ... you are still at that point immediately *after* the second
item. Now you format a third item and it continues from the point in
the block progression direction, which is to the left of the float.

If you swap the float with the block in item two, then the float is
encountered at the start of the second list item, it jumps out of the
flow, it is aligned at the end-side of the page, the
block-progression point doesn't progress, and the block ends up to
the right of the second list item:

      <fo:float float="end">
         <fo:block border="thin red solid"
                   start-indent="2em">Float text content. This float
is the sibling
of the second list item</fo:block>
      <fo:block>List item two content. The float should take content
      from this area. It appears not to</fo:block>

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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G. Ken Holman       
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