[xep-support] Cocoon sitemap help

From: Greg Newton <gregster@uvic.ca>
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 09:59:17 PST

I have a question regarding the use of xep from cocoon. I have a working
version which uses the suggested serializer configuration:

<map:serializer mime-type="application/pdf" name="fo2pdf"
    <parameter name="com.renderx.xep.CONFIG" type="string"

But I want to make the "/complete/path/to/xep.xml" relative, like this:
I've tried the obvious
but I get errors which suggest that the attribute
is the stumbling block, but I can't find documentation that tells me how
to change this.
So, the question is, can I change
to something like
or similar? And if so, can you give me an example of this at work?

A peripheral question in regard to licensing:
Can I have a central installation of xep that many cocoon-based
applications can call? For example, if I install xep in /usr/local/xep/
on a local machine, can I have remote machines running a tomcat stack
(with cocoon) make calls to it for pdf creation? If so, has anyone
written documentation on doing this?
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