[xep-support] Duplicate output

From: Jacques Foucry <jacques@foucry.net>
Date: Sat Mar 11 2006 - 03:02:30 PST

Hello support,

I've made a shell script to generate my PDF.

My script need to parameters, the name and the email of the reader.

With this paramaters, I make a folder which will received the
generated PDF.

Then I use the command (owner is the name and email of the customer):

mkdir-p /Library/WebServer/Documents/Download/$owner/

/Applications/XEP/xep -xml /Users/Shared/Documents/sources/Livre.xml -
xsl /Users/Shared/Documents/sources/custom.xsl -param titlepage.email=
$owner "/Library/WebServer/Documents/Download/$owner/That is your
personnel file.pdf"

I always have an error : duplicate output

If I use

/Applications/XEP/xep -xml /Users/Shared/Documents/sources/Livre.xml -
xsl /Users/Shared/Documents/sources/custom.xsl -param titlepage.email=

There's no error but the generated PDF have the name of $owner.

In fact this is like xep take $owner as the output file.

How can I have a param AND give the path and name for my output ?

Thanks in advance,

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Received on Sat Mar 11 03:32:58 2006

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