[xep-support] Postscript type 1 font embedding in pdf

From: Henk Rutten <hrutten@grafidata.nl>
Date: Wed Apr 06 2005 - 04:20:44 PDT

When rendering a pdf with a postscript font embedding, the resulting pdf
looks fine on screen. However when printing to a postscript printer, instead
of spaces, dashes appear.
For example: "The quick brown fox" results in "The-quick-brown-fox".
Also some character combinations are printed with a negative font-stretch.
If we first render postscript and pass this postscript file to the Acrobat
Distiller, this problem doesn't occur.
Any ideas what's the reason of above behaviour?
I'm using XEP 4.1
kind regards,
Henk Rutten
GrafiData Deventer

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