Re: [xep-support] configuration for Cocoon

From: Greg Newton <>
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 15:06:34 PST

Thanks for that. I have the pdf rendering now, but it does not want to
embed the images.
The XSLT is creating XSL:FO which invokes images like this:

<fo:external-graphic content-width="8cm" scaling="uniform">

The folder structure looks like this:
root/images has all the images
root/xml has the xml, and is the final location of the
root/xsl has the xslt

On the local machine, running XEP from within oXygen, this works fine:
XEP finds the images (GIFs, JPEGs and PDFs) and builds them into the
file. On Cocoon, with the same folder structure, the images are not
retrieved; the PDF output is built with "missing image" placeholders.

I followed the included instructions to edit Cocoon's global sitemap
and I used the example sitemap (hammer) as a base for the project's
sitemap, which looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<map:sitemap xmlns:map="">
     <map:generators default="file"/>
     <map:transformers default="xslt"/>
     <map:readers default="resource"/>
     <map:serializers default="html">
       <map:serializer mime-type="application/pdf" name="fo2pdf"
         <parameter name="com.renderx.xep.CONFIG" type="string"
       <map:serializer mime-type="application/postscript" name="fo2ps"
         <parameter name="com.renderx.xep.CONFIG" type="string"
     <map:selectors default="browser"/>
     <map:matchers default="wildcard"/>
       <map:match pattern="**.pdf">
         <map:generate src="xml/{1}.xml"/>
         <map:transform type="xinclude"/>
         <map:transform type="xslt" src="xsl/tei_ach_corpus_to_pdf.xsl"/>
         <map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>

Greg Newton | | +1.250.721.8754
University of Victoria | Humanities Computing & Media Centre
Victoria, B.C. Canada

On 16-Feb-05, at 12:30 AM, Angelina Andriasyan wrote:

> Hello Greg,
> You should provide the absolute path to cocoon and xep directories.
> Use Ant to compile and install the connector as it is described in the
> documentation. Since you use Cocoon under Tomcat, before compiling the
> following changes must be done in "make.jar" task of
> ../connector/Cocoon/build.xml file:
> <fileset dir="${cocoon.dir}/build/webapp/WEB-INF/lib">
> to
> <fileset dir="${cocoon.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
> Best regards,
> Angelina Andriasyan
> RenderX
> Greg Newton wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to get XEP devkit building and working with my running
>> installation of Cocoon 2.1.6 inside of Tomcat 5.5.7 (JRE 1.4.2) on OS
>> X, but I have some questions:
>> 1) when I provide the paths to cocoon and xep, am I providing literal
>> or relative paths?
>> 2) do I have to use ant?
>> 3) I get 30 errors when building, most of which are similar to this:
>> "devkit-4.2-20050205
>> Folder/connectors/Cocoon/com/renderx/xepx/cocoon/
>> package org.apache.cocoon.serialization does not exist" and this:
>> "devkit-4.2-20050205
>> Folder/connectors/Cocoon/com/renderx/xepx/cocoon/
>> 229: cannot resolve symbol". How do I fix this?
>> Thanks,
>> Greg Newton | | +1.250.721.8754
>> University of Victoria | Humanities Computing & Media Centre
>> Victoria, B.C. Canada
>> nb. I'm currently doing this build on OS X to get used to the
>> process, but eventually I'll be installing it on RHAS 3/JRE1.5/Tomcat
>> 5.5.7/Cocoon 2.1.6 if that makes a difference to your response
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
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