Re: [xep-support] Table-of-contents issue

From: Martin Holmes <>
Date: Tue Feb 08 2005 - 10:26:49 PST


Couldn't see the wood for the trees there -- sorry to have taken up your time.


At 10:08 AM 08/02/2005, you wrote:
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Hi Martin,
>XEP does what you ask it to. Open your fo source, the id is not where it
>is supposed to be, despite its name. The element marked as
>id="paper_2_creating_pdfs" is not near 'Creating PDFs' it is at the end,
>on the page marked 8 (and number 10), just before the bibliography.
>I believe that the problem is in your stylesheets.
>On 08.02.2005, at 20:17, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>I've sent the file. The XEP version is 4.1 buld 20050901.
>>At 04:54 AM 08/02/2005, you wrote:
>>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>>Hello Martin,
>>>Could you provide us with a short XSL-FO document that demonstrates the
>>>problem? You can send it directly to (in archive,
>>>please). What version of XEP you are using?
>>>Best regards,
>>>Alexander Peshkov
>>>MH> Hi there,
>>>MH> I'm having trouble getting page-numbers to show up correctly in a
>>>"table of
>>>MH> contents" page, the reason being that the table of contents page is
>>>part of
>>>MH> a "front matter" section which will be numbered with roman numerals
>>>(i, ii,
>>>MH> iii etc.), while the actual content pages themselves start three
>>>pages in,
>>>MH> and are numbered starting with 1, as normal.
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Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre

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