Réf. : Re: R?f. : Re: [xep-support] BASE and ROOT Properties

From: <frederic.ouellet@desjardins.com>
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 12:09:42 PST

Hello David,

So, the system id that was checked with your last solution, is the xml one.

The system ID that interested me, is the xsl one. I have applied it.

All the BASE properties in the generator was used to change working directory to follow buisness rules with XSL.

So now, i don't have any ERROR but, my included xsl (attribute definition) file doesn't load properly. It's like, it is not have been used.

My URIResolver is properly configure and when I debug it, all my values are good.

So, when you have removed BASE properties, what have replace it? System ID? I have tried it, without success.
(Embedded image moved to file: pic07193.jpg)

             David Tolpin <dvd@davidashen.net>
             Envoyé par : owner-xep-support@renderx.com
             2004-12-03 15:25 cc
                               Veuillez répondre à Re: R?f. : Re: [xep-support] BASE and ROOT Properties

> foTransformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xmlStringData)), target);

StreamSource accepts optional second argument, the source's system identifier.
Set it to what you used to set Conf.BASE in the past.

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