[xep-support] Formatting a very large document

From: <klists@saphor.de>
Date: Sun Nov 21 2004 - 06:19:15 PST


For a project I have to format a very large document (almost 300 MB of
xsl:fo). Essentially, it is 2000 plus pages of complex tables.

While XEP 3.84 can handle smallish fractions of this document
elegantly, relatively fast and with excellent results, going for the
whole document or even sizable fractions of it (e. g. 1/2) gives me
regularly an OutOufMemory exception. I've already increased the JVM's
memory to as far as it would let me, namely to around 1800MB
(-Xmx1024m). Beyond that limit the JVM (1.4.0) refuses to start up.

Any ideas what I can do short of splitting the document into parts?
Would XEP 4 offer a better solution?

Curious for any pointer!

Best regards,

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Received on Sun Nov 21 06:57:39 2004

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