Re: [xep-support] MathML support

From: Steve Lloyd (
Date: Mon Oct 11 2004 - 00:14:10 PDT

  • Next message: Joern Clausen: "Re: [xep-support] MathML support"

    Alexander is correct, what is required is a MathML -> SVG convertor.
    We did extensive trials and research on this earlier in the year. There
    are several fledgling candidates, but nothing remotely production-ready
    (as of May 2004) for print.
    Online delivery is another matter, as the Design Science MathPlayer
    plugin (for IE) and support for MathML in Mozilla-derived browsers
    enables this.
    There are a few MathML -> raster convertors, notably from Design
    Science, and we tried embedding the resulting PNG images in XSL-FO
    output, but quality is not sufficient.
    So, I'm afraid you won't find a print MathML/XSL-FO solution from any
    manufacturer at present. For small chunks of MathML you may find it
    worthwhile to write custom XSLT to derive SVG (see J. David Eisenberg's
    'SVG Essentials' for an example using matrices).

    Regards Steve

    Alexander Peshkov wrote:

    >Hello Michael,
    >There is no direct support for MathML in the XEP, but there are a lot
    >of tools out there that allows you to turn MathML in some kind of
    >graphics. I believe that MathML to SVG converters are the first to be
    >considered since SVG provides all advantages of vector graphics and
    >XML, that is: high quality printing and ability to embed it in into
    >XSL-FO documents.
    >Best regards,
    >Alexander Peshkov

    Steve Lloyd, XML Developer-Editorial Production Dept.
    International Baccalaureate Organisation
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