Re: [xep-support] XEP.NET v3 developer - dot net c# example won't compile

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Mon Jul 19 2004 - 01:42:33 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re: [xep-support] PDF annotations"

    Hello David,

    Thanks for your report, we will check this out.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    DWc> I have successfully downloaded & installed XEP.NET v3 developer

    DWc> I tried to build the two c# examples - one worked (XmlXslToPdf), the other
    DWc> (FoToPdf) fails with a compile error:

    DWc> FoToPdf.cs(69,5): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for
    DWc> 'Renderx.Xep.Formatter.Format(string, System.Xml.XmlReader,
    DWc> System.IO.Stream, string, System.Collections.Hashtable,
    DWc> Renderx.Xep.Logger.Logger)' has some invalid arguments
    DWc> FoToPdf.cs(69,54): error CS1503: Argument '2': cannot convert from 'string'
    DWc> to
    DWc> 'System.Xml.XmlReader'

    DWc> The source line in question (line 69) is:

    DWc> formatter.Format(Path.GetDirectoryName(sFoFile), sFoFile, outPdf,
    DWc> Renderx.Xep.Formatter.OUTPUT_PDF,
    DWc> null, null);

    DWc> I can see from the Microsoft disassembler than the source code method
    DWc> signature doesn't match any of the overloads for this method.

    DWc> I tried reformatting the method call as best I could to match any method
    DWc> signature, e.g.

    DWc> formatter.Format(Path.GetDirectoryName(sFoFile), outPdf, sFoFile,
    DWc> props, null);

    DWc> This compiles, but bombs at run time

    DWc> Any help would be appreciated!

    DWc> Thanks

    DWc> David Laub

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