Re: [xep-support] True-Type-Fonts

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Wed Jun 09 2004 - 05:41:36 PDT

  • Next message: Krister Wicksell: "[xep-support] Double-byte characters in PostScript"

    Hello Marc,

    Helvetica is a standard font and XEP do not embed it. Your font
    configuration for ArialMT defines that it should be embedded and
    subsetted (note that <font> have 'subset' property that is 'true' by
    default) therefore XEP embeds subset of ArialMT into generated PDFs.

    Adobe Acrobat version 5 and older have problems combining documents,
    which include subsets of the same font (
    That's what you are experiencing.
    So you have two options:
    1) Upgrade to Adobe Acrobat 6 in which this problem was fixed.
    2) Turn off subsetting in the font configuration:
        <font name="ArialMT"
         <alias name="Arial"/>

    Note that with subsetting turned off resulting PDFs will became

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    MOT> Hello,

    MOT> i have the following problem:

    MOT> I use arial as font and this is my fonts.xml

    MOT> ...
    MOT> <font name="ArialMT"
    MOT> ttf="C:\WINNT\Fonts\arial.ttf">
    MOT> <embed="true">
    MOT> <alias name="Arial"/>
    MOT> </font>
    MOT> ...

    MOT> Bold, italic and bolditalic is embeded in the same way. So far so good. The
    MOT> fonts work fine and are embedet in the output-pdf-file.
    MOT> But here comes the problem: When i try to put two or more of the
    MOT> xep-genererted pdf-files in one. I become an error-message. I use Adobe
    MOT> Acrobat 5.0 (the "wirter" not the reader). The error message is in german,
    MOT> so i will try to translate it (sorry for it :-))) ) "This documents contains
    MOT> fontsubgroups with the same name and canĀ“t be combined".

    MOT> When i use Helvetica evrything works fine. Our customer wants to have
    MOT> Arial...

    MOT> Can u help? Any ideas are welcome.

    MOT> Thankfully Marc

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