Re: [xep-support] leader in TOC

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 01:30:12 PST

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re: [xep-support] float overlap"

    Hello Clujean,

    You have to add text-align-last="justify" to the block that encloses
    fo:leader in order to make leader stretch to all available width.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    Cac> Hello all,
    Cac> I'm working on a table of contents and created a table with 2 columns, one for the TOC entry and the second column for the page number. The TOC entry is composed of a link, additional text and
    Cac> I would like to fill in the rest of the columns with dots. I can't seem to get that to work (only see 2 dots). Even if I remove the additional text that follows after the link, I still don't
    Cac> get the desired result (a line of dots). I kindly ask for any suggestion you might have. Thanks,
    Cac> Narcis
    Cac> Longmont, Colorado

    Cac> <fo:table-row>
    Cac> <fo:table-cell>
    Cac> <fo:block text-align="start">
    Cac> <!-- Link -->
    Cac> <fo:basic-link text-decoration="underline" color="blue">
    Cac> <xsl:attribute name="internal-destination">def_<xsl:value-of select="def_num"/></xsl:attribute>
    Cac> <xsl:value-of select="name" />
    Cac> </fo:basic-link>
    Cac> <!-- Additional text -->
    Cac> <xsl:text>def #</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="def_num" />
    Cac> <!-- Line of dots going to the end of this column - DOESN'T WORK -->
    Cac> <fo:leader leader-pattern="dots" leader-pattern-width="5pt"leader-alignment="reference-area"/>
    Cac> </fo:block>
    Cac> </fo:table-cell>

    Cac> <fo:table-cell>
    Cac> <fo:block>
    Cac> <fo:page-number-citation>
    Cac> <xsl:attribute name="ref-id">def_<xsl:value-of select="def_num"/></xsl:attribute>
    Cac> </fo:page-number-citation>
    Cac> </fo:block>
    Cac> </fo:table-cell>
    Cac> </fo:table-row>

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