Re: [xep-support] borders on fo:table-row

From: Nikolai Grigoriev (
Date: Tue Oct 28 2003 - 13:36:36 PST

  • Next message: Stefan Bylund: "Re: [xep-support] XEP and SVG"


    > the following fragment doesn't produce a border for a whole table
    > row, though I believe it should. (XEP 3.6.3)
    > <fo:table-body>
    > <fo:table-row border-top="0.5pt solid black">
    > <fo:table-cell width="15pt">...<

    Let's see the quote from the spec:

    XSL> 6.7.9. fo:table-row
    XSL> ...
    XSL> The following properties apply to this formatting object:
    XSL> ...
    XSL> - Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties
    XSL> Only the background properties from this set apply. If the value of
    XSL> border-collapse is "collapse" or "collapse-with-precedence"
    XSL> for the table the border properties also apply.

    By the above, borders on fo:table-row are not applicable in
    the separated borders model. As XEP does not implement
    collapsed borders yet, we ignore borders on fo:table-row.

    Nikolai Grigoriev

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