Re: [xep-support] XEP and SVG

From: Nikolai Grigoriev (
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 03:49:52 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Lilley: "Re: [xep-support] XEP and SVG"


    > I have attached a typical SVG image that is rendered perfectly with FOP
    > but not at all with XEP when creating a PDF. I would be very grateful
    > if someone could point out what XEP can't handle in this SVG image.

    Your image uses CSS selectors for styling. We don't support CSS stylesheets
    in SVG. (Strictly speaking, interchangeable SVGs should avoid using
    a specific styling technology like CSS; I wonder if there is a switch
    somewhere in CorelDraw to disable it).

    I changed all 'class' attributes in your image to 'style', moving all styling
    info to entities; XEP rendered the resulting SVG without any problem.
    Please find attached a modified version of the SVG image.

    > I have a feeling that it may have something to do with
    > the length/width and viewBox attributes...

    XEP has no known problems in this area. However, your image's
    intrinsic size was larger than the page; to make it fit, I specified
    a common image-shrinking sequence on the fo:external-graphic:

    <fo:external-graphic src="url(blocks1.svg)"
                            content-width="scale-to-fit" width="100%"/>

    Otherwise, XEP dropped the image too large to fit.

    Best regards,
    Nikolai Grigoriev

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