[xep-support] column-wide footnotes and vertical spacing

From: bboru@si.umich.edu
Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 18:46:18 PDT

  • Next message: David Tolpin: "Re: [xep-support] column-wide footnotes and vertical spacing"

    I'm using the column-wide footnotes extension (Thank you, David, for
    correcting my cl syntax) and am seeing an oddity in the way the
    foonotes are spaced from the body of the column. For debugging purposes
    I put a leader in my xsl-footnote-separator block (0pt before-space and
    after-space) and so can see that the spacing between it and the column
    body is irregular. I can't see any pattern. In one case, the separator
    was rendered --without footnote-- on the page, then rendered again
    --with footnote-- on the following page.

    I've looked at whether the column itself was breaking in the middle or
    end of a block: No difference. And setting the body blocks' orphan and
    widow values to zero makes no difference. It looks more like the body
    column is stopping short rather than the footnote reference area
    starting late. But I also notice single-paragraph footonotes (not long
    ones) sometimes spanning page breaks while longer ones are rendered
    intact elsewhere -- as if the footnote reference area were variable.

    Has anyone seen this before? Can you offer ways to debug or workaround

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