[xep-support] Problems with fo tags written via disabled output-escaping

From: dougb (dougb@ola.bc.ca)
Date: Fri May 23 2003 - 11:44:38 PDT

  • Next message: Nikolai Grigoriev: "Re: [xep-support] Problems with fo tags written via disabled output-escaping"


    I'm using XEP v3.4 on the command-line.

    Due to the input structure of my XML file, I need to write an fo:block
    start-tag in one template, and write the end-tag in another. I've done this
    via <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&lt;fo:block&gt;</xsl:text> etc.
    etc. I ended up with the layout I wanted in the output PDF, but the fo:block
    start and end tags were passed through as escaped text as well.

    I then wrote the FO file separately with Saxon 6.4.1, validated it
    successfully with XEP, and wrote the output PDF. This resulted in the layout
    I wanted, without the escaped <fo:block> tags.

    Could anyone shed some light on this behaviour? I thought I saw saxon.jar in
    the /lib directory...is that not taking care of the XSLT transformation?

    Thanks for any info,

    Doug Burgess
    dougb@ola.bc.ca 604-431-3455
    Structured Information Developer
    Product Development and Research Group
    Open Learning Agency

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