Re: [xep-support] Problems using font expert set

From: Nikolai Grigoriev (
Date: Fri Jan 03 2003 - 11:59:43 PST

  • Next message: Nikolai Grigoriev: "Re: [xep-support] METRIC and HYPHEN properties"

    Hi Geurt,

    > I'm using XEP 3.13 to generate a PDF-file. The resulting PDF-file
    > displays only white space or strange dots where I expect small caps
    > letters.

    The problem is due to Expert encoding: smallcaps characters don't have
    Unicode codepoints. When XEP encounters a character 'a' (U+0061) in the
    text, it consults the Adobe Glyph List to find the corresponding glyph
    name - that should be "a". In your font, there's no such glyph name (the
    smallcaps glyph is called 'Asmall'), so XEP presumes that the glyph for 'a'
    is missing.

    > Does anyone have the same experience or have a idea how I can
    > solve this problem? Does someone know if a font expert set requires
    > something special?

    Yes, it does require a bit of extra effort. Since Adobe refused to indicate
    mapping of these glyphs to Unicode, you will have to do this job manually -
    that is, to write a custom glyph list to complement/override Adobe's. It's a
    file containing a list of correspondences between Unicode codepoints and
    glyph names; its format and use are explained in XEP User Guide, ch. 5.3
    "PostScript fonts and Unicode" (doc/userguide.pdf in XEP's distribution).
    Its initial lines may look like this:

    # expert.glyphs - Expert Charset to Unicode mapping

    ..... (on and on for all glyphs that you need)

    For a list of glyph names, look into the AFM for your font.

    Best regards,

    Nikolai Grigoriev

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