Re: [xep-support] rx:pinpoint extension

From: Nikolai Grigoriev (
Date: Tue Nov 12 2002 - 14:33:57 PST


> Browsing through the pages on your website I came accross
> the page where new features for version 3 are described.
> Under the subject about new extensions there is mentionned
> rx:pinpoint, referred to as a solution for revision bars.

I wish it were a solution :-(. Rx:pinpoint is not a solution
to anything by itself, but rather a basic building block for
techniques that use formatter output postprocessing. It lets
you assign user-defined data to specific positions on the page;
these data can be used as pivots to add extra marks to the
page, intercepting its intermediate XML form between
the formatter core and the output generator.

> But I did not find any documentation in the release itself.
> Is it implemented or will it be implemented in the near
> future. Can you give more details about it.

Surely it is implemented; but it does not solve any problem
by itself. You just get a low-level method to build your own
solution; it will inevitably become very formatter-specific
(yet you are somehow compensated by nearly absolute freedom
to reorder page elements as you like :-)). We mention
rx:pinpoint in the documentation for the sake of completeness;
but we don't recommend its usage unless absolutely unavoidable.

Best regards,
Nikolai Grigoriev

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