Re: [xep-support] Running XEP in Batch Mode - Thanks!

From: harvey <>
Date: Wed Feb 13 2008 - 06:04:34 PST

Thanks everyone!!!

The 'call' to the batch file worked (call C:\Users\Public\XEP\xep) worked.

Interesting, I have both version 3.7 and 5. Calling the xep.bat file
from the command line I get the "can't find xep.xml file". I will worry
about that another day |-)!

Thanks again for everyone's help!


> harvey wrote:
>> I am trying to create multiple PDF's from multiple .fo files. During
>> my XSLT conversion I am creating a DOS batch file that can run to
>> create the PDF files.
>> First I tried:
>> C:\Progra~1\RenderX5\XEPWin\xep\xep
>> ...
>> C:\Progra~1\RenderX5\XEPWin\xep\xep
>> The batch file converted first file, then stopped.
> Hello Betty,
> cmd.exe has a 'for' loop iterating over a set which can be achieved by
> wild carding:
> for %f in (*.fo) do echo %f
> Use 'call path/to/xep.bat %f' instead of 'echo %f' to actually call XEP.
> If the input files are not all in the same directory you'd need to do
> something like 'find . -name "*.fo"', but I do not know how to say it in
> Windows. Calling one batch file from another requires a 'call' command.
> Try 'call /?' from cmd. I do not know why your batch file stops, you did
> not send the actual file, not the error message if any.
>> I then tried:
>> java -jar C:\Progra~1\RenderX5\XEPWin\xep\lib\xep.jar -fo
>> htmlfiles/graphics/
>> I get the following error:
>> Formatter initialization failed:
>> Invalid URL or non-existent file: xep.xml
> Look inside xep.bat. You should specify
> -Dcom.renderx.xep.CONFIG=path/to/xep.xml right after 'java', or w/o
> com.renderx.xep prefix if after XSLDriver.
>> I have tried adding the classpath into the command and get the same
>> error message.
> Classpath is of course required, consult xep.bat for syntax and value.
> You have XEPWin, so you should better use XSLDriver.exe in your batch
> file or 'for' loop, because you won't waste time on java startup, class
> loading and cache initialization for each input file. For small files
> the performance may increase in times if using XEPWin instead of XEP.
>> Anyone have any advice for running XEP from batch?
> I've just noticed that you do not actually have xep.bat. Here is a
> minimal sample for reference. Adjust paths to match your site.
> set CP=C:\XEP\lib\xep.jar;C:\XEP\lib\saxon.jar;C:\XEP\lib\xt.jar
> java -classpath "%CP%" com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver
> "-DCONFIG=C:\XEP\xep.xml" %*
> (%* in batch on NT-like system means all arguments given to the batch
> file itself.)
> --
> Best regards,
> Michael Sulyaev
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