I am embedding XEP in a Java application that also uses Hibernate 2.
When I include the XEP.jar in my project, I get the following messages
from Hibernate:
Warning: Caught exception attempting to use SAX to load a SAX XMLReader
Warning: Exception was: org.xml.sax.SAXException: System property
org.xml.sax.driver not specified
- problem parsing configuration/hibernate.cfg.xml
org.dom4j.DocumentException: Could not initialize a SAX Parser. Please
add a SAX parser to your classpath along with preferably jaxp.jar
Although I don't include SAXON.jar explicitly, XEP.jar refers to it in
its MANIFEST.MF file. When I remove SAXON.jar from the class path,
everything seems to work fine.
I am using JDK 1.4 which I believe uses Xalan as the default parser.
Since I have done all my testing to this point using Xalan, I'd like to
avoid bringing in a different SAX parser (which I am apparently doing
when saxon.jar is on the classpath).
Is there any reason why XEP requires SAXON.jar when using JDK 1.4? As I
said, everything seems to be working but I don't want to hit a wall
Thank you for you help,
Rob Conaway
Progressive Medical, Inc.
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