I am having some issues with the wordml to pdf conversion using XEP Engine
3.8 and Word2FO.xsl. When I tried to convert the wordml file to pdf I was
getting the following errors/issues.
1. Some wordml files getting the error and no transformation is done.
Here is the error message when using XEP.NET assistant.
system-id: file:/C:/Documents and Settings/sivamr/Desktop/CA -
Functional Spec V1.2.xml
validate started
Attribute 'border-top-width' cannot have a value of "NaNpt".
Attribute 'border-left-width' cannot have a value of "NaNpt".
Attribute 'border-bottom-width' cannot have a value of "NaNpt".
Attribute 'border-right-width' cannot have a value of "NaNpt".
validation: total: 10 errors
Error occured while formatting.
Error occured while transformation.
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System error: -2146233088.
1. The empty spaces and are not maintained in the created pdf file.
(See the attached image1.gif)
2. Page breaks are not maintained in the created pdf file.
3. Texts are overlapping. (See the attached image2.gif)
4. Label box text is not centrally aligned as in the Wordml file. (See
the attached image3.gif)
I was expecting your answer to solve these issues.
I have attached the screenshot of the created pdf file pages as images.
I have tried with the recent WordML2FO stylesheet but it throws error Attribute
'start-indent' cannot have a value of "NaNpt". The same wordML
doument worked with the old WordML2FO stylesheet.
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