Re: [xep-support] Support for Auto Table Formatting Styles?

From: Armen Martirosyan <>
Date: Thu Sep 08 2005 - 23:19:44 PDT

Andrew Sharpe wrote:

>Hi all. I am using RenderX's very excellent
>word2fo.xsl stylesheet to transform a WORDML file into
>XSL-FO. However I've noticed that if my document
>contains a table that uses a table format ("Table",
>"Table AutoFormat"), the formatting (cell shading,
>border type, etc) gets lost in the transformation. If
>I set the styling manually (not using table
>autoformat), it comes through in the transformation
>just fine.
>Any idea if and when support for Table Styles will be
>added to word2fo.xsl? In the meantime, any workaround
>Andrew Sharpe
>Moncton, NB
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Hi Andrew,

What version of word2fo.xsl are you using?

Please provide some example (preferably short) to be able to reproduce
the situation on my side.

Best regards,
Armen Martirosyan
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