[xep-support] *REPOST* XML + XSL:FO = PDF?

From: Phil_Dyer@amp.com.au
Date: Thu Apr 15 2004 - 14:01:38 PDT

  • Next message: Dean, Tim (STP): "RE: [xep-support] *REPOST* XML + XSL:FO = PDF?"

    **Ive only just now been authenticated with the mailing list so would have
    missed any replies from earlier, so sorry for the repost**

    Hi, Ive got a really simple question but I cant find an answer on the XEP
    website or in the help documentation.

    Ive got an XML:FO document with hard coded values for Name, Address, etc. I
    can convert this to PDF just fine.

    What I want to do though is remove the hard coded values and replace these
    with dynamic values sourced from a seperate XML file.

    I want to use XEP to combine the XML with the XSL:FO and produce a PDF
    containing the XSL:FO formatting and the XML values?

    Is this possible using XEP? If so, can anyone provide a simple example?

    Thanks for your help,


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