[xep-support] SVG error: MIME type ASCII-US?

From: Bob Stayton (bobs@sagehill.net)
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 23:01:26 PST

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re: [xep-support] Complex Running Headers"

    I'm trying to use an SVG file generated by
    "Adobe Illustrator 10.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 3.0.0 Build 77".
    I get an error message from XEP 3.6.2 that says:

      error: SVG element 'image' ignored: com.renderx.svg.SVGParseException:
      MIME type 'text/plain;charset=US-ASCII' is not registered

    There is no mention of any MIME type anywhere in the svg file
    nor in the fo file that includes it:

    <fo:external-graphic src="url(graphic1.svg)" width="286.7998047px"
    height="288.4804688px" content-width="auto" content-height="auto"

    The SVG image element in question starts with this:

    <image width="1195" height="1202" id="XMLID_1_"

    and continues with a bunch more data before closing
    the quote and the element.

    Any ideas of where it is getting the US-ASCII MIME type or how
    to fix this problem?

    Bob Stayton
    Sagehill Enterprises

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