Re: [xep-support] Report/log file from xep runs

Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 06:58:54 PDT

  • Next message: G. Ken Holman: "RE: [xep-support] Report/log file from xep runs"


    the output of xep is printed to stderr. that's why it won't be fetched
    with a "normal" pipe.
    try using:

   2>&1 logfile.log

    this will pipe stderr to stdout and then print it to your logfile.


    "Anders Svensson" <>
    Gesendet von:
    17.09.2003 15:40
    Bitte antworten an xep-support

            An: <>
            Thema: [xep-support] Report/log file from xep runs


    does anyone know if there is a convenient way to generate a report/log
    file from xep runs in the command line interface? I've tried using a
    "pipe" in the command line (the ">" sign and a destination file name),
    but the result was rather disappointing, it only contained the generic
    command info, but nothing from the actual xsl-fo processing results...

    /Anders Svensson

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