RE: Re[2]: [xep-support] table header orphaned

From: Jim Quest (
Date: Fri Sep 05 2003 - 09:02:00 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Slezak: "[xep-support] graphic file formats"

    Hello Alexander,
    From what I understand, you suggest that I put
    keep-together.within-column="always" on the fo:block within the
    table-cells. Unfortunately, this seems to have no effect either!
    Additionally, if I do not put keep-together.within-column on the
    table-cell, the situation actually gets worse -- the table cell breaks
    across pages as well!
    I am trying very hard to do anything that would make table layouts look
    reasonable, but I have no luck. Help!

    Life would be much simpler when table keeps are better supported by xep,
    but in the meantime, I am willing to do anything to achieve reasonable


    p.s. I had put the constraints on the original example just to make a
    simple example. In real examples, they are not constrained like this,
    but this kind of layout problems happens quite often.

    -----Original Message-----
    [] On Behalf Of Alexander Peshkov
    Sent: 05 September 2003 17:03
    To: Jim Quest
    Subject: Re[2]: [xep-support] table header orphaned

    Hello Jim,

    Looks like my previous post was quite inadequate, sorry about that.
    Here is the situation: by default, table header is kept together with
    next row so there is no need for explicit keeps on it. However because
    of XEP limitation, placing keep-together.within-page on fo:table-cell
    cancels the effects of of keep-with-next. To achieve the desired
    you should
    move keep-together.within-column="always" onto the nested block of

    Note also that the document in your original example is
    over-constrained: space-before prevents two lines of your table
    (including header) to be accommodated on the page, at the same time
    they are forced to stay together by implicit keep-with-next of
    table-header. To avoid such a situation you should move space-before
    property onto any text block before the table.

    We are working on the 'keeps problem', in the meantime you better move
    your keep properties to content of the table cells (i.e. on nested

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    JQ> Hello Alexander,
    JQ> I have now tried putting that attribute on the table-cell in the row
    JQ> the header

    JQ> <fo:table-cell keep-with-next.within-column="always"
    JQ> keep-together.within-column="always" border="1pt solid">...

    JQ> as suggested, and it does not help. The table header is still being
    JQ> orphaned.

    JQ> Do I understand your suggestion correctly?

    JQ> -----Original Message-----
    JQ> From:
    JQ> [] On Behalf Of Alexander
    JQ> Sent: 05 September 2003 11:31
    JQ> To:
    JQ> Subject: Re: [xep-support] table header orphaned

    JQ> Hello,

    JQ> If you want to prevent table header from being orphaned, you should
    JQ> specify keep-with-next.within-column="always" on its content cell.

    JQ> As for your test document - it's appearance caused by XEP limitation
    JQ> regarding repeating of table headers.

    JQ> Best regards,
    JQ> Alexander Peshkov
    JQ> RenderX

    rpn>> Dear All,
    rpn>> I have this problem that table header are being orphaned, left
    JQ> alone on the previous page. Also on the next page, the table header
    JQ> not the top item.
    rpn>> I have read the xep conformance stating that all cells must have
    JQ> keep-together.within.column="always", but that does not seem to help
    JQ> all.
    rpn>> Any clues why this is the case. Below I have a very small fo,
    JQ> which creates really bad PDF. I am using xep354.

    rpn>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
    rpn>> <fo:root xmlns:fo="">
    rpn>> <fo:layout-master-set>
    rpn>> <fo:simple-page-master master-name="page" page-height="6.4cm">
    rpn>> <fo:region-body region-name="xsl-region-body" margin="0.7in"/>
    rpn>> </fo:simple-page-master>
    rpn>> </fo:layout-master-set>

    rpn>> <fo:page-sequence master-reference="page">
    rpn>> <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
    rpn>> <fo:table space-before="1.8cm"
    JQ> space-before.conditionality="retain">
    rpn>> <fo:table-column column-number="1"/>
    rpn>> <fo:table-header>
    rpn>> <fo:table-row>
    rpn>> <fo:table-cell keep-together.within-column="always"
    border="1pt solid">>
    rpn>> <fo:block font-weight="bold">Header Row</fo:block>
    rpn>> </fo:table-cell>
    rpn>> </fo:table-row>
    rpn>> </fo:table-header>
    rpn>> <fo:table-body>
    rpn>> <fo:table-row>
    rpn>> <fo:table-cell keep-together.within-column="always"
    border="1pt solid">>
    rpn>> <fo:block>Body Row 1</fo:block>
    rpn>> </fo:table-cell>
    rpn>> </fo:table-row>
    rpn>> <fo:table-row>
    rpn>> <fo:table-cell keep-together.within-column="always"
    border="1pt solid">>
    rpn>> <fo:block>Body Row 2</fo:block>
    rpn>> </fo:table-cell>
    rpn>> </fo:table-row>
    rpn>> </fo:table-body>
    rpn>> </fo:table>
    rpn>> </fo:flow>
    rpn>> </fo:page-sequence>
    rpn>> </fo:root>

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