[xep-support] margin-left problem

From: Werner Donné (werner.donne@re.be)
Date: Tue Jul 22 2003 - 06:25:05 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re: [xep-support] margin-left problem"


    The two attached examples differ only in the fact that the inner table has the
    attribute "margin-left=0pt" in one but not the other. Since the initial value
    of margin-left is "0pt" I would expect that the result would be the same in both
    cases. However, this is not what happens. In the example without the redundant
    attribute, the borders of the two tables overlap entirely, in the other they are
    drawn next to each other.



    Werner Donné  --  Re BVBA
    Engelbeekstraat 8
    B-3300 Tienen
    tel: (+32) 486 425803	e-mail: werner.donne@re.be

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