From: Johann Richard (
Date: Fri Jan 31 2003 - 06:00:59 PST
I have a problem w/ XEP when I want to use (completely) other directories than the install provides.
XEP 3.2 stamped (also w/ older versions, like v3.16 (Actually, the v3.17 jar w/ -version :)
Sun JVM 1.4.0
I have the following directory structure on my drive:
+-- conf
+-- images
+-- jar
+-- metrics/
+-- metrics/fonts
+-- metrics/hyphen
Moreover, I have the following XEP.xml:
<config xmlns="">
<option name="OUTPUT_PRODUCER" value="com.renderx.xep.gen.backends.H4PDF"/>
<option name="HYPHENATOR" value="com.renderx.xep.cmp.TeXHyphenator"/>
<option name="FONTLIST" value="~/metrics/fonts.xml"/>
<option name="METRICS" value="~/metrics/fonts"/>
<option name="HYPHENLIST" value="~/metrics/hyphens.xml"/>
<option name="HYPHENS" value="~/metrics/hyphen"/>
<option name="VALIDATE" value="true"/>
<option name="LICENSE" value="~/conf/license.txt"/>
<option name="TMPDIR" value="~/tmp"/>
<option name="BROKENIMAGE" value="~/images/404.gif"/>
If I run XEP from the command-line, specifying the ROOT and CONFIG options correctly, either as System properties or parameters for XEP(!):
XEP_HOME: M:/xml/customizations
XEP_OPT: -DROOT=%XEP_HOME% -DCONFIG=~/conf/xep.xml
[or also putting M:/xml/customization/conf/xep.xml, etc ... ]
[java stuff] com.renderx.xep.Driver %XEP_OPT%
I get the following error:
cannot parse '~\etc\xep.xml' as URL
I tried putting the "file:///" URI style, backslashes, forward slashes and so forth, but I always get this errror. When I put the xep.xml in a "etc" directory under "XEP_HOME", it starts complaining about the fonts.xml, hyphen.xml, license.txt and so forth. When I put all these files into a XEP_HOME/etc, it works fine.
I tried setting all the FONTLIST, HYPHENLIST, LICENSE parameters & config values as SYS Props, parameters to the driver etc. but it always failed w/ this "cannot parse '~\etc\<foo>' as URL" error.
Could it be, that XEP looks *first* for this '~/etc/' directory before takin into account the command-line parameters/properties? (When I put an invalid parameter for XEP, like -DBROOT=%XEP_HOME%, it will only complain about "unrecognized option BROOT, skipping" when I have setup the '~/ect/*.xml' files.]
[N.B. I could add these directories, of course, but I'd rather like to use *my* directory structure, of course.]
Any idea or hint, if it's me or XEP that does wrong? (Naturally, I'd say it is me, but I really have the impression I tried all possibilities to force XEP to understand my directory structure :)
Best regards,
johann richard
PS: Great that V3.2 has PDF capabilities and is a free update! Thanks so much!
Johann Richard
IC & DSP Design Engineer
Dspfactory SA
Champs-Montants 12a
2074 Marin-Epagnier
Tel: +41 32 755 7400
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