[xep-support] How often does XEP.BAT use my graphic-URL?

From: Kirch Fritz <Friedrich.Kirch_at_ADDRESS_REMOVED>
Date: Thu Jul 30 2020 - 23:44:41 PDT

Hi RenderX-Support Team, hi Kevin

in my FO-file (see below and in appendix) you can find excatly one call of <fo:external-graphic> with a url to my graphic file.
When I use XEP.BAT to render FO into XEPOUT intermediate format, my server protocoll told me, that there are 3 calls fetching the pdf-graphic from my server.

I am wondering, why there are 3 calls?

With the processing instruction xep-out-embed-images:
    FO -> XEP calls my media server 3 times and XEP -> PDF calls my media server 0 times

Without the processing instruction xep-out-embed-images:
    FO -> XEP calls my media server 2 times and XEP -> PDF calls my media server 4 times

How can I minimize the number of calls to my media server?

Fritz Kirch
IT2media GmbH & Co KG
Nuremberg, Germany

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xep-out-embed-images true?>
<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
                               <fo:simple-page-master page-width="50mm" page-height="50mm" master-name="first">
                                               <fo:region-body display-align="center"/>
                <fo:page-sequence master-reference="first">
                               <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
                                               <fo:block text-align-last="center">
                                               <fo:external-graphic src="url('http://mrq12.it2media.de:8081/mr/v01/~~~200/mediafile/id/41511906/filetype/pdf?mimetype=true')"/>

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