[xep-support] Direct access to OpenType features

From: Jan To¹ovský <j.tosovsky@gmc.net>
Date: Mon May 05 2014 - 04:45:45 PDT

Dear All,

while there is no support for OpenType features in XSL-FO syntax, it would be nice to implement it in some kind of extension. There is some proposal for CCS3, which could be used as a reference:

It would enable new possibilities, namely:

* better control over ligatures. Currently they have to be specified manually in the config, but in that case there is no way to disable them locally in certain parts of document

* old-style figures, styling alternates, swashes

* together with font-kerning it would be possible to disable kerning in specific cases

This direct access to font features is available in TeX based macropackages (ConTeXt, LaTeX), via extensions in PrinceXML, so it would be nice to bring it also into the XSL-FO world :-)

Thanks, Jan


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