[xep-support] erratic xep behaviour

From: Martin Goik <goik@hdm-stuttgart.de>
Date: Thu Apr 21 2011 - 02:33:01 PDT

I'm trying to convert http://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/~goik/__doc.fo
(generated from docbook 5 indented, included images omitted) to PDF. The
first invocation yields an error:

> goik@goiki:~$ /usr/share/xep.academic/xep.bat -fo __doc.fo -pdf __doc.pdf
> (document [system-id file:/stud/goik/__doc.fo]
> (validate
> [error] Attribute 'linefeed-treatment' cannot have a value of "".
> [validation total: 1 error]
> Parse error: Invalid XSL FO source 'file:/stud/goik/__doc.fo': 1 error found during validation

An immediate second and third invocation on the same file successfully
generates a PDF. Subsequent invocations lead to different validation
errors again:

> goik@goiki:~$ /usr/share/xep.academic/xep.bat -fo __doc.fo -pdf __doc.pdf
> (document [system-id file:/stud/goik/__doc.fo]
> (validate
> [error] Attribute 'keep-together.within-line' cannot have a value of "".
> [validation total: 1 error]

> goik@goiki:~$ /usr/share/xep.academic/xep.bat -fo __doc.fo -pdf __doc.pdf
> (document [system-id file:/stud/goik/__doc.fo]
> (validate
> [error] Attribute 'font-weight' cannot have a value of "".
> [validation total: 1 error]

> goik@goiki:~$ /usr/share/xep.academic/xep.bat -fo __doc.fo -pdf __doc.pdf
> (document [system-id file:/stud/goik/__doc.fo]
> (validate
> [error] Attribute 'width' cannot have a value of "".
> [validation total: 1 error]

To the best of my knowledge I cannot find **any** font-size="" strings.
And I do not have a clue why different Xep invocations produce different
results at all.

I've seen this behaviour on two different machines. I tried the most
recent xep acadmic yesterday evening, changed the JRE from Oracle to
openjdk, fiddled with VM parameters, no success at all.

My Ubuntu 10.04 system:

goik@goiki:~$ uname -a
Linux goiki.mintern.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de 2.6.32-30-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP
Tue Mar 1 21:30:21 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux

goik@goiki:~$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_24"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode)

goik@goiki:~$ /usr/share/xep.academic/xep.bat -h
XEP 4.10 build 20070727
java com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver
       {-quiet | -version | -valid | -hosted | -help}
       ( [-xml] <infile> [-xsl <stylesheet>] {-param <name=value>}
         | -fo <infile>
         | -xep <infile> )
       [[-<output format>] <outfile>]
Available output formats: at (XEP), pdf (PDF), afp (AFP), ps
(Postscript), xep (XEP).

Best regards, Martin Goik

Martin Goik  Tel.  +49-711-8923-2164  http://www.HdM-Stuttgart.de/~goik
GnuPG public key: https://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/~goik/goik.asc
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so voller Zweifel                                       Bertrand Russell
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Received on Thu Apr 21 03:03:36 2011

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