[xep-support] Re: FW: [renderx #22766] unstable validation errors in Win7/2008 @ x64 JRE

From: Kevin Brown <kevin@renderx.com>
Date: Fri Feb 18 2011 - 14:43:11 PST

Please note, if you are getting us the version, only trust running;


java -version


in the exact directory to ensure you are getting the exact one (64bit).




From: xep-support-bounces@renderx.com
[mailto:xep-support-bounces@renderx.com] On Behalf Of Kevin Brown
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 2:29 PM
To: 'RenderX Community Support List'; bradbury@renderx.com; 'Michael
Cc: 'David Ochel'
Subject: [xep-support] Re: FW: [renderx #22766] unstable validation errors
in Win7/2008 @ x64 JRE




Michael Bradbury and I have a machine that replicates the error (and one
that does not).


The most glaring difference is that the version of Java. I believe this is
pure Java bug caused somewhere between release 21 and 23.


23 had changes to sax.


Michael's (not working):


java version "1.6.0_24"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode)

(document [system-id file:/N:/RX VDPMill Demos/XEP 64-BIT (Jan


    [error] Attribute 'margin-left' cannot have a value of "".

    [validation total: 1 error]

Parse error: Invalid XSL FO source 'file:/N:/RX VDPMill Demos/XEP 64-BIT
(Jan Tosovsky)/bu_kronika-a.fo': 1 error found during validation



My computer (working):


java version "1.6.0_20"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode)

(document [system-id file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/RenderX/XEP/bu_kronika.fo]

  (validate [validation OK])



      (sequence-master [master-name blank])

      (sequence-master [master-name titlepage-first])

      (sequence-master [master-name titlepage-odd])

      (sequence-master [master-name titlepage-even])

      (sequence-master [master-name lot-first])

      (sequence-master [master-name lot-odd])

      (sequence-master [master-name lot-even])



Those that see this problem, please report back the version of Java you
running so we can try and narrow a bit further to the exact version that
causes this failure.


Michael: 1.6.0_24 - failure

Jan: I believe you have 1.6.0_23 - failure

Tobias: ?

David: ?

Kevin: 1.6.0_20 - working




From: xep-support-bounces@renderx.com
[mailto:xep-support-bounces@renderx.com] On Behalf Of Alejandro Masino
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:23 PM
To: bradbury@renderx.com
Cc: 'David Ochel'; xep-support@renderx.com
Subject: [xep-support] [SPAM] Re: FW: [renderx #22766] unstable validation
errors in Win7/2008 @ x64 JRE


Michael, David:

We are not using Xalan. We are using Saxon 9 (jar obtained from
Saxonica/Source Forge) as our transformation engine, which takes precedence
in the classpath from the XEP lib directory.

Apparently, the saxon.jar bundled in XEP has less functionality than ours
(some XPATH related errors appear).

So far, we have done the PDF generation in a single step using an XSLT using
saxon9.jar, in Windows 32-bit and Linux without problems. The problem
appears in 64-bit, but I'm not sure where the problem is.

Using the XEP saxon.jar is not an option in the current generation
mechanism. I've downloaded the last version of saxon (saxon HE,
but I've got errors in the PDF generation even in 32-bit:

     [java] error: formatting failed: java.lang.NullPointerException: Null
content handler


(document [system-id
e01.fo> ]
     [java] Parse error: Null content handler

A workaround for the moment might be to split the generation process in two
steps, first generate a interim FO file using our transformation sheet with
saxon 9, and then generating the PDF with the bundled saxon.jar (which I
believe it works based on your tests on xep.bat).

So to summarize:

- What's the difference between the bundled saxon.jar with the saxon9.jar
you can obtain from Saxonica/Source Forge (XPATH?)
- I would believe that the problem then is in the saxon9.jar in 64-bit
platforms... but the new version does not work either


On 2/16/2011 10:22 AM, Michael Bradbury wrote:

Before sending the FO file we ask that you provide:
1. Both ant script processes, the ant-controlled PDF generation and the
version that generates the FO file.
2. Search your complete machine for xep.xml to make sure you don't have more
than one copy. If you do have more than one please send by renaming them to
identify which is which.
4. Search your complete machine for xep.bat to make sure you don't have more
than one copy. If you do have more than one please send by renaming them to
*.txt and identify which is which.
3. Which XML to XSL FO transformer are you using?
As to determining which transformer you are using in my xep.bat the
set CP=C:\Program Files (x86)\RenderX\XEP\lib\xep.jar;C:\Program Files
(x86)\RenderX\XEP\lib\saxon.jar;C:\Program Files
contains 'saxon.jar' as the transformer.
Michael Bradbury
Dir Major Accounts, Bus Development
the future of YOUR document is here
RenderX, Inc.
The future of YOUR document is here
+1 (619) 692-9698 Direct & Voice Mail (San Diego, CA, USA)
+1 (650) 327-1000
+1 (650) 328-8008 Fax
Skype: brad765
-----Original Message-----
From: David Ochel [mailto:david@atsec.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 3:40 PM
To: bradbury@renderx.com
Cc: Alejandro Masino
Subject: Re: FW: [renderx #22766] unstable validation errors in Win7/2008 @
x64 JRE
Hi Michael,
Thanks for your and Kevin's time. Here is some news:
1. I have been able to generate a basic document that fails as described and
doesn't contain any of our customer's information. So if you wanted I could
send you our NDA template to sign and I could then share a FO with you.
2. Running our "normal" ant-controlled PDF generation process with
validation set to true, the generation fails with a validation error. But if
I cause our framework to generate a FO file instead, and then run 'xep.bat
foo.fo', it validates fine and generates a PDF file fine. And this with both
32-bit or 64-bit Java!
So, it appears that I need to figure out what the difference is between
invoking xep via xep.bat and invoking it via our ant framework. I've copied
Alejandro, who is our framework mastermind, as I've no clue how to go about
that... ;-)
Michael Bradbury said the following on 2/15/2011 5:18 PM:

Hi David,
Thank you for your time today.
Since I have Sun Java 32 and 64-bit installed, and XEP is installed in
C:\Program Files (x86)\RenderX\XEP, I have two variations of my
xep.bat file, one calls Java 32 and the other Java 64.
My xep.bat that calls Java 32 consist of:
@echo off
rem This batch file encapsulates a standard XEP call.
set CP=C:\Program Files (x86)\RenderX\XEP\lib\xep.jar;C:\Program Files
(x86)\RenderX\XEP\lib\saxon.jar;C:\Program Files
if x%OS%==xWindows_NT goto WINNT
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java" "-Xmx1024M" -classpath "%CP%"
com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver "-DCONFIG=C:\Program Files
(x86)\RenderX\XEP\xep.xml" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto END
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java" "-Xmx1024M" -classpath "%CP%"
com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver "-DCONFIG=C:\Program Files
(x86)\RenderX\XEP\xep.xml" %*
set CP=
My xep64.bat that calls Java 64 consist of:
@echo off
rem This batch file encapsulates a standard XEP call.
set CP=C:\Program Files (x86)\RenderX\XEP\lib\xep.jar;C:\Program Files
(x86)\RenderX\XEP\lib\saxon.jar;C:\Program Files
if x%OS%==xWindows_NT goto WINNT
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java" "-Xmx8192M" -classpath "%CP%"
com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver "-DCONFIG=C:\Program Files
(x86)\RenderX\XEP\xep.xml" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto END
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java" "-Xmx8192M" -classpath "%CP%"
com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver "-DCONFIG=C:\Program Files
(x86)\RenderX\XEP\xep.xml" %*
set CP=
You will note the differences are:
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java" vs. "C:\Program
- "-Xmx1024M" vs. "-Xmx8192M" (NOTE: 32-bit maximum value is 1024M
[M=mbytes]. You don't need 1024M given the size of the document's page
count. The Xmx value should not exceed 75% of the actual RAM (memeory)
in your machine).
- The remaining statements assume XEP was installed in C:\Program
Files (x86)\RenderX\XEP\
Michael Bradbury
Dir Major Accounts, Bus Development
the future of YOUR document is here
RenderX, Inc.
The future of YOUR document is here
+1 (619) 692-9698 Direct & Voice Mail (San Diego, CA, USA)
+1 (650) 327-1000
+1 (650) 328-8008 Fax
Skype: brad765
-----Original Message-----
From: David Ochel (via Support) [mailto:support-team@renderx.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 2:09 PM
Cc: support-staff@renderx.com
Subject: Re: [renderx #22766] unstable validation errors in Win7/2008
@ x64 JRE
Hi Michael,
Michael Sulyaev (via Support) said the following on 2/11/2011 5:09 PM:

This is the dedicated support list. When replying please preserve the
[renderx #22766] pattern on the subject line.
I need to reproduce the issue in proper environment first of all, so
please send a FO file where you observe unstable validation errors.

Working with proprietary customer data here, so this will be difficult.

   what is your XEP version?

Version 4.18 build 20101125

I think I'll just find a Win7/2008 x64 machine and install x64 JDK
from Sun there, play around and expect your FO files.

Let me know whether you get anywhere with the FO files from Jan and


If not, I need to take some time to strip confidential data from one
of mine. I'm very short on time right now, though.

Spotting the reason would not take long if it is in XEP. But I am
afraid it may happen to be between Java and XEP, which is worse.

Thanks, I really appreciate your help!

David Ochel, atsec information security mailto:david@atsec.com - 
http://www.atsec.com - tel:+1.512.615.7376
David Ochel, atsec information security
mailto:david@atsec.com - http://www.atsec.com - tel:+1.512.615.7376
Alejandro Fabio Masino
atsec information security
Visit our web-site at: www.atsec.com
@sec: the information security provider
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