[xep-support] change bars and page breaks

From: Benoit Maisonny <benoit@synclude.com>
Date: Thu Sep 30 2010 - 00:36:26 PDT


I have an issue with a change bar that begins at the bottom of a page while
the block it is supposed to annotate is on the next page. That block has
always" and doesn't fit in the blank space at the bottom of the 1st page.

page 1:

page 2:
| Changed
| block.

I would like the change bar to start on page 2, where the block starts.

Here is the relevant FO source:
<fo:change-bar-begin change-bar-color="black" change-bar-style="solid"
        change-bar-class="d0e478" change-bar-placement="start"/>
<fo:block keep-together.within-page="always" border-style="solid"
border-color="red" border-width="1mm" padding-bottom="5cm">
        This is one block of text with the
"keep-together-within-page='always'" property.
<fo:change-bar-end change-bar-class="d0e478"/>

Maybe I misunderstand the logic. As I understand the specification, a change
bar should apply to the FO elements following fo:change-bar-begin. Here, it
seems that the formatter treats fo:change-bar-begin just like regular
formatting objects: it finds place for it at the bottom of page 1, so it
starts the change bar there.

Thanks for any help,

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