[xep-support] Different text alignment in one block

From: Bastian Kroll <bk@classwizard.com>
Date: Wed Sep 01 2010 - 12:06:52 PDT

I´ve a problem with text-blocks and different alignments in this block - often different alignments in one line.
Quick description of my problem:
I´ve got a block-container and in there is a block.
In this block there is/are one/some inline elements. The block is set to text-align="justify" text-align-last="left". So far, so good. BUT: in the last line, there have to be a additional inline-element that have to be aligned right!! And if there is no space for this last inline-element in the last line, this last element have to be moved to the next line. So the line before is aligned left, the last (with this last inline-element) aligned right.
Is there a solution in XEP (XSL-FO) to solve this?
This function is used as I know for years in QuarkXPress (alt-tab) to write and the end of a paragraph the shortname of the author…

By the way: I´m using XSLT to create the FO-Files. But XSLT can´t help me indeed…

Thanks in advance for any help


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Received on Wed Sep 1 12:24:44 2010

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