[xep-support] SSL Certificate issue

From: Story, Stacy <stacy.story@directconnectsolutions.com>
Date: Thu Jan 08 2009 - 15:09:39 PST

We have been using XEP for a few years now.
Recently one of our online resource locations renewed their SSL certificates using GoDaddy's Intermediate Certificate.
Once this was active on their web server, XEP and XEPwin have started throwing errors.
Could not retrieve image from 'https://www....com/logo-for-report.jpg': javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found
To remiedy this problem, we compiled and ran the following code:
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URL;
import java.security.*;
import java.security.cert.*;
import javax.net.ssl.*;
public class InstallCert {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 String host;
 int port;
 char[] passphrase;
 if ((args.length == 1) || (args.length == 2)) {
     String[] c = args[0].split(":");
     host = c[0];
     port = (c.length == 1) ? 443 : Integer.parseInt(c[1]);
     String p = (args.length == 1) ? "changeit" : args[1];
     passphrase = p.toCharArray();
 } else {
     System.out.println("Usage: java InstallCert <host>[:port] [passphrase]");
 File file = new File("jssecacerts");
 if (file.isFile() == false) {
     char SEP = File.separatorChar;
     File dir = new File(System.getProperty("java.home") + SEP
      + "lib" + SEP + "security");
     file = new File(dir, "jssecacerts");
     if (file.isFile() == false) {
  file = new File(dir, "cacerts");
 System.out.println("Loading KeyStore " + file + "...");
 InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
 KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
 ks.load(in, passphrase);
 SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
 TrustManagerFactory tmf =
 X509TrustManager defaultTrustManager = (X509TrustManager)tmf.getTrustManagers()[0];
 SavingTrustManager tm = new SavingTrustManager(defaultTrustManager);
 context.init(null, new TrustManager[] {tm}, null);
 SSLSocketFactory factory = context.getSocketFactory();
 System.out.println("Opening connection to " + host + ":" + port + "...");
 SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket)factory.createSocket(host, port);
 try {
     System.out.println("Starting SSL handshake...");
     System.out.println("No errors, certificate is already trusted");
 } catch (SSLException e) {
 X509Certificate[] chain = tm.chain;
 if (chain == null) {
     System.out.println("Could not obtain server certificate chain");
 BufferedReader reader =
  new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
 System.out.println("Server sent " + chain.length + " certificate(s):");
 MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
 MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
 for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) {
     X509Certificate cert = chain[i];
      (" " + (i + 1) + " Subject " + cert.getSubjectDN());
     System.out.println(" Issuer " + cert.getIssuerDN());
     System.out.println(" sha1 " + toHexString(sha1.digest()));
     System.out.println(" md5 " + toHexString(md5.digest()));
 System.out.println("Enter certificate to add to trusted keystore or 'q' to quit: [1]");
 String line = reader.readLine().trim();
 int k;
 try {
     k = (line.length() == 0) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(line) - 1;
 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
     System.out.println("KeyStore not changed");
 X509Certificate cert = chain[k];
 String alias = host + "-" + (k + 1);
 ks.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert);
 OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("jssecacerts");
 ks.store(out, passphrase);
  ("Added certificate to keystore 'jssecacerts' using alias '"
  + alias + "'");
    private static final char[] HEXDIGITS = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray();
    private static String toHexString(byte[] bytes) {
 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 3);
 for (int b : bytes) {
     b &= 0xff;
     sb.append(HEXDIGITS[b >> 4]);
     sb.append(HEXDIGITS[b & 15]);
     sb.append(' ');
 return sb.toString();
    private static class SavingTrustManager implements X509TrustManager {
 private final X509TrustManager tm;
 private X509Certificate[] chain;
 SavingTrustManager(X509TrustManager tm) {
     this.tm = tm;
 public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)
  throws CertificateException {
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)
  throws CertificateException {
     this.chain = chain;
     tm.checkServerTrusted(chain, authType);

Output as Follows:
C:\certs>java InstallCert www....com
Loading KeyStore jssecacerts...
Opening connection to www.....com:443...
Starting SSL handshake...
No errors, certificate is already trusted
Server sent 1 certificate(s):
 1 Subject OU=Domain Control Validated, CN=www.....com, O=www.....com
   Issuer SERIALNUMBER=07969287, CN=Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority, OU=http://certificates.godaddy.com/repository, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, ST=Arizona, C=US
   sha1 b8 00 d6 93 be 7e b4 64 9b c7 d1 be 6c f3 13 86 f8 1e 72 20
   md5 1b 2a 3a 42 9f 7e f1 07 19 58 a3 a9 b4 06 2b 53
Enter certificate to add to trusted keystore or 'q' to quit: [1]

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Received on Thu Jan 8 15:43:10 2009

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