[xep-support] Arabic-Indic numbers in lists

From: Moataz Omar <moataz@i12.com>
Date: Wed Jan 31 2007 - 07:47:12 PST

I am trying to generate Arabic PDF  file.
I am using XEP 4.7

I sucseeded to generate the page numbers in Arabic-Indic  numbering using the following line
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="Bookchapter" initial-page-number="1" format="&#x661;">
The problem is that I am not able to generate numbered list with Arabic-Indic numbers. I am using the line <xsl:number format="&#x661;." lang="ar"/> in the fo:list-item-label element. but the numbered list numbers always generates in western.

Can you please help me to correct this, and generate the Arabic-Indic numbers in the lists?

New Page 1

Kind Regards


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