FW: [xep-support] Grouping bookmarks

From: Sébastien CLERMONT <sclermont@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon Jul 10 2006 - 05:58:39 PDT

I know that your example is not correct because your are closing a before closing b. I am not new to XML syntax. The problem is that my XML structure is not static. I am using a loop to generate it. I did javascript before and it would be possible to open a tag and close it after 20 iterations of the loop and then reopen it and close it again until I am done.Let me explain my problem a little more. I have two levels of bookmarks like this:<group1> <item1 /> <item2 /> <item3 /> < .... /> <item25 /></group1><group2> <item26 /> <item27 /></group2>What I would like to do is to add a level of bookmark within group 1 and group 2 which would give me that:<group1> <subgroup1.1> <item1 /> < ... /> <item20 /> </subgroup1.1> <subgroup1.2> <item21 /> <... /> <item25> </subgroup1.2></group1><group2> <subgroup2.1> <item26 /> <item27 /> </subgroup2.1> </group2>If you look at my code, I am trying to open the "subgroup" bookmark tag before opening the bookmark tag for my "items". And I try to close the "subgroup" bookmark tag after I have processed 20 items. I understand that what I am trying to do is not possible because the XML is validated before the processing of the XSL. If only the result would be validated, everything would be fine.I would like to know of an alternate way to get what I want.Thanks for your help!Sebastien ClermontFrom: k.degrauw@axis.nlTo: xep-support@renderx.comSubject: RE: [xep-support] Grouping bookmarksDate: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 08:46:49 +0200 Sebastien, It is quite obvious what is wrong is that you cannot jump out of a <xsl:if> element. That is basic XML syntax. The following is not correct XML: <a> <b> </a> </b> Check the W3C xml pages for information on wellformed-ness Regards, Kees -----Original Message-----From: owner-xep-support@renderx.com [mailto:owner-xep-support@renderx.com]On Behalf Of Sébastien CLERMONTSent: Friday, 07 July 2006 7:04 PMTo: xep-support@renderx.comSubject: [xep-support] Grouping bookmarksI am trying to form groups of 20 bookmarks in my document. I have a document that can have from 1 to 1000 bookmarks and I want them to be grouped by 20. I tried the "<for-each-group>" tag but xep tells me that I can't use that tag in this part of the xsl.My rx:outline works fine but when I am trying to place <xsl:if> tags and put <xsl:bookmark> within those if tags, I get an XML validation exception because the bookmark tags are not closed (they are but in an other if).If I replace "<!-- open group of 20 -->" by "<rx:bookmark ...>" and "<!-- close group of 20 -->" by "</rx:bookmark>" in my code below, I get the validation errors. What can I do? ----------- source code -----------------------<rx:outline> <xsl:for-each select="//compte"> <xsl:variable name="type"> <xsl:value-of select="ResourceBundle:getString($libelles, concat('docimgchq.pdf.contenu.libelle.cpt',@serco))"/> <xsl:if test="@serco = '05'"> <xsl:value-of select="@serno"/> </xsl:if> </xsl:variable> <rx:bookmark internal-destination="{$type}"> <rx:bookmark-label><xsl:value-of select="$type"/></rx:bookmark-label> <xsl:for-each select="cheque"> <xsl:variable name="cle" select="concat(@datecomptable, @noref)"/> <xsl:if test="(count(preceding::cheque)+1) mod 20 = 0"> <!-- open group of 20 --> </xsl:if> <rx:bookmark internal-destination="{$cle}"> <rx:bookmark-label><xsl:value-of select="@nocheque"/></rx:bookmark-label> </rx:bookmark> <xsl:if test="count(preceding::cheque) mod 20 = 19 or last cheque"> <!-- close group of 20 --> </xsl:if> </xsl:for-each> </rx:bookmark> </xsl:for-each> </rx:outline> ----------- source code -----------------------
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