[xep-support] Concatenating PDFs with correct links

From: Marc Baaden <baaden@smplinux.de>
Date: Sun Jun 25 2006 - 04:22:01 PDT


I have created two reports with Docbook/XEP in PDF format.
I was asked to join them into a single document, which I
did using

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=out.pdf -f a.pdf b.pdf

this works fine, except that the links in the original b.pdf point
to the wrong pages (I guess they'd need an increment of document a.pdf's page
number to point to the right spot).

How does one get the right links?

I don't mind whether this is done when I merge the two PDFs
or right from the beginning in the XML or FO documents.

Any hints?
Thanks in advance,
  Marc Baaden

 Dr. Marc Baaden  - Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris
 mailto:baaden@smplinux.de      -      http://www.baaden.ibpc.fr
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Received on Sun Jun 25 05:04:50 2006

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