[xep-support] Creating inline areas with zero width

From: Jirka Kosek <jirka@kosek.cz>
Date: Mon Jun 12 2006 - 11:21:27 PDT


I need to typeset both super- and subscripts in a way that they are
aligned above, not placed one after another.

I need to get:




I thought that setting width (or inline-progression-dimension) to 0pt
will not move typesetting point and I will get desired output by using:

    A<fo:inline baseline-shift="super"

 From my reading of XSL-FO it is not perfectly clear whether it is
possible to set width of inline areas. Above example works in XSL
Formatter, but not in XEP.

Is there any other workaround for creating "inline phantoms"?


   Jirka Kosek     e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz     http://www.kosek.cz
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Received on Mon Jun 12 12:00:04 2006

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