Re: [xep-support] XEP4.4 Performance benchmarks?

From: Alexander Peshkov <>
Date: Thu Jun 30 2005 - 01:01:30 PDT

Hello Carlton,

What you are asking about is the performance of different XSLT
processors. It has nothing to do with XEP's own performance and this
question is more suitable for some XSLT mailing lists.
From my personal experience Saxon is considerably faster then Xalan.

Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov

CH> Hi,
CH> Has RenderX performed any performance tests to test the
CH> performance differences between using XEP with SAXON, XALAN, and
CH> XSLTC? If yes, please point me to your findings or indicate the test
CH> results in your response. Also, please indicate the version
CH> numbers for the engines used.
CH> Thanks!
CH> Carlton

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